Aphrodite Medicine: Owning Our Self Worth as Our Birthright
When a woman knows her worth, really knows it, through the cellular remembrance that she is sacred, everything changes.
Who are we truly, and why have we forgotten? Where have the distorted messages we have received about our flesh, our desires, our sexuality, and our worthiness come from? How do we reclaim the truth of our nature and blossom that wild remembrance into the world for the well being of all? How do we raise the standard for what we ALL deserve, and create a world where all beings are safe to flourish and thrive?
As we dream a new Earth into being, these questions remain at the forefront for many of us on the path of feminine awakening. While there are infinitely beautiful spiritual teachings and feminist teachings in the world today, offering us deep and profound guidance, we can also find our answers through the wisdom delivered to us directly from Goddess.
In a world with so many distorted and confusing messages about womanhood, femininity, relationships, sexuality, love, and prosperity, we can source greater truth by looking to the Goddesses who rule those domains. We can apprentice ourselves to the ancient ones who truly embody and encapsulate a greater wisdom in relationship with any area of our lives. And when it comes to the unshakeable self worth that emerges through a deep love of the flesh, the feminine, and the precious gift of life, we need look no further than the fertility Goddesses.
Every ancient culture in the world revered the great Mother Earth in the form of a fertility Goddess.
For the ancient Mayans it was Ixchel, the full moon Goddess of midwifery. For the ancient Mesopotamians it was Ishtar, the Queen of Heaven and Earth. For the ancient Hindus it was (and still is) Lakshmi, the Goddess of abundance. For the ancient Egyptians it was Isis, the Goddess of death and rebirth. And for the ancient Greeks, it was Aphrodite, the Goddess of love.
On my own path of healing the wounds of self worth created by a world that has forgotten its true nature, Aphrodite has been a powerful, delicious, and frankly life changing guide.
When I summon her, she feels like a thousand rose petals blooming me open from within. She guides me deeper into my own flesh, where my truth resides, into the tender and safe embrace of my own sensuality, and calls me into that space where I am the love that never leaves. She awakens Beloved within me, as the feeling state of being IN LOVE, a frequency and vibration that has become my barometer for what kind of romance I truly deserve. She sings to me that love is my birthright, prosperity is my birthright, pleasure is my birthright, the totality of my womanhood is my birthright, and every being on Earth is worthy and deserving of remembering this truth.
As many of us find ourselves standing at the threshold of a new paradigm, a new world, and new embodiment of our divinity, Aphrodite offers us magical, powerful, and practical keys for healing, reclaiming, and awakening our self worth through the knowing that we are not separate from love, God, Goddess, life, we are love animated AS life uniting God and Goddess in holy union once again.
Let’s explore those keys together…
The myth goes that Aphrodite was born out of the sea when Cronus, representing the “new order” dismembered his father the sky God Uranus’ phallus, and flung it out into the great Mother Ocean, the womb.
The great Mother Sea churned and churned and churned with great force until eventually Aphrodite emerged up from the depths of the deepest waters, fully grown, glistening, radiating golden light. Her breasts full, her body curvaceous, her skin luminous, all who laid eyes upon her fell in love. With a white dove perched atop one hand and a red apple in the other, she carries the symbols and secrets of the ancient red thread of feminine sexuality and the pure white thread of feminine spirituality, embodying the wholeness of a woman in her heart and womb. Born of both sea and sky, she has journeyed into the depths of the underworld to reclaim her soulful self, and has risen to the realm of air to bring that deep gnosis out into the world. As daughter of Uranus and Gaia, Father Sky and Mother Earth, she unites all duality, feminine and masculine, upperworld and underworld, through her very existence.
While Aphrodite is most widely known today as a love Goddess who exudes beauty and copulates with many many many Gods and mortals, when we journey deeper into her mythos we see that she is so much more than that. She encompasses all domain of Mother, of the Divine Feminine, and carries the very codes for understanding our own rebirths and the great rebirth of our humanity and our world.
In our online Goddess temple Awakening Aphrodite, we journey into the four domains of Aphrodite and her wisdom, through the flesh of our bodies, the sacredness of our sex, the awakening of our relationships, and the power of our manifestation of our dreams and desires. Learn more about our temple here.
Reclaiming the Worth of Our Bodies as Temples Uniting Mother Earth and Father Sky
Aphrodite’s creation story illustrates the cyclical nature of all life, through the death and the end of one paradigm, described as Cronus severing his father’s symbol of fertility and power and offering it to the sea, which has always been symbolic of the womb and the fertility and power of mother, of woman. Through the imbalanced messages that have pervaded our culture for many many many generations, we forgot this essential wisdom that new life emerges from the depths of the feminine. We have collectively forgotten that the body, the feminine, the Earth, is also holy and divine. I wrote more about this here: How a Woman Reclaims Her Body as Her Holy Temple and Earth Home.
As the union of both Earth and Sky, spirit and matter, Aphrodite helps us reweave our personal and collective story around what it means to be physical, made of flesh, in a body. Healing the distorted messages of original sin and the myth of Adam and Eve, Aphrodite offers us her red apple to feast on the fruits of the tree of wisdom and remember our true nature. We are not separate from spirit because we are in a body. This body is the expression, the vessel, and the animation of spirit incarnate.
Sensual self love rituals and movement meditations that trace back to the ancient Venusian Priestesses (of which Aphrodite is one) offer us magical and highly effective practices for re-membering the sacredness of our flesh on a cellular level. We can talk about Goddess forever, but we can also become her in a moment. This is the power of embodied meditation. We summon the spirit within us and dance it through our skin, muscle, fluid, and bone. Week one of our temple Awakening Aphrodite we explore many feminine embodiment practices for healing the perceived separation between body and soul and treasuring the sacredness of this juicy, alive, pulsing feminine body. Learn more about our temple here.
Reclaiming the Worth of Our Sexuality and Spirituality as Equally Necessary in Love
In one hand Aphrodite holds the tempting red apple, upon the other hand perches the white dove of grace. According to ancient Greek mythology, there were two different forms of Aphrodite: Aphrodite Pandemos and Aprohdite Ourania. Aphrodite Pandemos translates to “Aphrodite of the people” representing the human side of Aphrodite who makes love with mortals and is made of flesh and fluid. You might even translate it to “Aphrodite the sinner”, or “Aphrodite the hor”. Aphrodite Ourania translates to “Heavenly Aphrodite” represending the divine side of Aphrodite who embodies Christ consciousness and is free of all sin.
This symbolism alludes to the Venusian Rose Priestess lineage, of which Aphrodite emerged from (following Isis of Egypt and Inanna of Sumeria) and the central understanding of a woman’s dual nature represented by the red thread of consciousness: the hor, and the white thread of consciousness: the virgin. More on that here: Awaken Your Heart Womb and Rebirth Our World in Love. For a woman to truly embody her totality and her full capacity to love with integrity, to be powerful, wild, sensual, and creative as well as tender, pure, forgiving, and kind, she must embrace both the red and the white essence within her.
These codes not only live in our mythology. They live in the body. And we can awaken, access, understand, heal, and weave ourselves whole through exploring our own sexuality as a gateway into our power and marrying it with the spiritual truth of our hearts, of our love. In our second week of Awakening Aphrodite, we explore this dual nature of womanhood, through Aphrodite as Virgin and Hor as well as the Maiden-Mother-Crone gateways that live in our sexual anatomy, to heal sexual wounding and reclaim self sovereignty in our power and in our love. Learn more about our temple here.
Reclaiming the Worth of Our Romantic Yearning as the Divine desire for Tantric Union
No woman is immune to the mad awakening of yearning for the Beloved, merging with the Beloved, or grieving the loss of the Beloved. While many of us have been judged or judged ourselves for the intense craving and desire for Beloved, our longing is a sacred gift with the power to heal our own hearts, heal the hearts of others, and heal our world. Whatever our personal sexual orientation, in our femininity we all crave the love of the true King, and in our masculinity we all crave the love of the true Queen. This union of seeming opposites comes together to create the Divine Child. Aphrodite IS this Divine Child, the co-creation of Mother Earth and Father Sky, masculine and feminine poles.
Many spiritual systems and belief systems have created judgement and shame around sexual and romantic yearning. I have often heard women express feeling trapped by the teaching that we are meant to be fulfilled from within and that our yearning for another can be resolved by meditation and self love. From my experience, this is frankly not true. We are designed to desire polarity, to want to merge with another, and this seeking outside of ourselves is not a distraction from God, it is a portal that will take us deeper into the embrace of God if we approach it that way. My personal practice and way of teaching involves dancing with the masculine feminine polarity within, and exploring romantic yearning as the yearning for God. Practically speaking, we can take this dance and apply it to our outer relationships, facing the mirrors of who we attract at any give time as teachers for merging deeper in love within.
There are perhaps no greater teachers on the path of love than our romantic partners, and we can source tremendous healing for ourselves and our collective through approaching them in such a way. Often this requires untangling the karmic connections of our past (or present) and clearing new space to allow relationships of greater soul integrity to meet us now. In week three of Awakening Aphrodite we do precisely this, through relating and understanding our own inner Queen and King archetypes, becoming intimate with the Beloved within, clearing karmic contracts with past lovers, and inviting in a new energy (be it with our current partner or a partner who has yet to arrive) to elevate the standard of honorable love for ourselves and our world. Learn more about our temple here.
Reclaiming the Worth of Our Birthing Power as the Key to Manifesting Heaven on Earth
Aphrodite emerges from the churning ocean, which is the great womb of the Mother. Many ancient creation stories describe the sea as the feminine birthplace of new life. Such as the story of Lakshmi in India who is summoned out of the churning sea to bring love and prosperity back into the world, and the concept of Haramara (Mother Sea) for the Huichol peoples of Mexico that all comes from the ocean and all returns to the ocean. Born out of the great womb of the churning sea, adorned in pearls, and with luminous skin of gold, much like Lakshmi, Aphrodite offers a very magical key for how we create beauty, harmony, and prosperity for all beings everywhere.
While sexuality, desire, and flesh have long been associated with original sin, Goddess mythos tells us a very different story. In fact, it’s very likely that these aspects of the feminine nature became taboo, dirty, shameful, and sinful as a way to disempower the feminine in her ability to birth and nurture life. Truly, a woman’s womb is the most powerful temple in existence. It is the holy space that receives the seed of life, delivered by a man’s sexual anatomy, and literally incarnates something of the spirit world into something of the physical world. Our wombs have the power to create a dream into reality. This is mindblowing when we truly contemplate it. Through receiving divine insight, the masculine seed of creation, and nurturing it in our womb space, the feminine cathedral of power, we birth a divine creation into the world. Imagine what would happen if all women truly remembered this? We would restore harmony, balance, health, well being, and true prosperity in our world very quickly.
Manifestation has become a huge buzz word in feminine spirituality over the last ten years, and while at times it gets distorted with wounding and shadow, I believe that on a deeper level it is revealing that womb wisdom is awakening in the mainstream consciousness, to enable us all to birth the world that all beings deserve to live in. In our final week of Awakening Aphrodite, we reclaim our birthing power as women, unraveling vows of poverty, shame of our right to manifest our dreams, fear of our role as Priestess Queens, and collectively vision the world of our highest soul potential. We do this work for ourselves, for one another, for our future generations, for our ancestors, for our beautiful planet, and for the well being of all. Learn more about our temple here.
Virgin & Whore
Receive your FREE 40 page guide filled with ritual, magic, ceremony, and feminine embodiment rituals, as gateways to reclaim the wild red river of your powerful womb, your Whore, and the pure white river of your tender heart, your Virgin, weaving yourself as the wholeness you are.
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About the Author
Camille is the founder of Earth Daughters and a woman devoted to reviving the ancient wisdom of nature and the wild voice of the feminine.
She has traveled in dozens of countries across the world activating her soul journey through her relationship with land and lived for seven years in primary rainforest in the Costa Rican jungle, communicating with trees, plants, creatures, and exploring many shamanic Earth wisdom traditions.
She is a DANCEmandala facilitator, breathwork facilitator, yoga teacher, and student of many paths of love. She has been guiding transformational women’s retreats in activated locations across the world since 2015.
More on her website camillewillemain.com.